Backend API for Moo using Nest framework (NodeJS + TypeScript + PostgreSQL)
Moo is a parody of Twitter. Further information about features and DB schema requirements can be found on this discussion board :
The UI is being designed on Figma if you'd like to view
If you'd like to see how the initial project was built please watch the following YouTube video
▶️ Building Twitter Clone from Scratch | End-to-End Coding Project
$ npm install
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
create database moodb;
create user mooadmin with password 'moopass';
grant all privileges on database moodb to mooadmin;
POST /auth/login
GET /users
📃GET /users/@{username}
GET /users/{userid}
POST /users
PATCH /users/{userid}
🔒PUT /users/{userid}/follow
🔒DELETE /users/{userid}/follow
🔒GET /users/{userid}/followers
📃GET /users/{userid}/followees
GET /posts
📃GET /posts/{postid}
POST /posts
🔒DELETE /posts/{postid}
🔒PUT /posts/{postid}/like
🔒DELETE /posts/{postid}/like
GET /hashtags
📃GET /hashtags/{tag}/posts
📃This project is under the GNU AGPL v3.0 license